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Photography Is Romance With The Lens

The quest to survive
The rearview
Stormy silence
A storm is on the way
In the middle of a storm
The guzzle of life
Queued in, salvation shall kiss soon

Photography Is Romance With The Lens is a series contributed by Partha Prawal Goswami- the man behind this blogazine.

In his own words, "I am a vagabond, in search of imperfections as perfection is too common and the world goes after it."

"I believe in being perfectly imperfect and so I try to write short stories and call myself a journalist," he adds on.

"I love photography, but I am not a master photographer. I don't understand much of the technicalities of the trade," he says.

"I click what I feel like and what I find attractive. I belive photography is romance with the lens and love has no definition," he adds on.

Apart from his romance with the lens, he is also hooked into writing short stories and travelling without an aim.

Partha is active in Facebook and you can visit his account for more photographs.

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