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Coronavirus can infect youths as well
Coronavirus can infect youths as well

Youths Vulnerable To Coronavirus: US Study

March 20, 2020

"Youths or younger people may not be as invulnerable to coronavirus as it was thought earlier," revealed a recent study by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP).

The CDCP carried out a study of 4226 coronavirus positive cases in the USA from February 12, 2020, to March 16, 2020.

The study results revealed that about a fifth of 705 people aged 20-44 were hospitalised and around 4 per cent of them required intensive care.

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The study further revealed that the risk of severe complications and death arising from coronavirus infection rose with age.

"Those above the age of 65 years and having previous medical conditions like diabetes and blood pressure are at a higher risk of death," the study revealed.

The study revealed that over 31 per cent of the patients were aged 65 or above.

"All age groups face risks. However, much of public and media attention from different studies conducted across the world has focussed on the higher death and transmission rates among those who are aged 65 or above," reported a popular daily quoting a report by epidemiologists.

"However, this doesn't mean that the younger generation is safe or are out of danger. They are as vulnerable as the aged people are," the report added.

The total number of positive coronavirus cases across the world rose to 244500 and over 10000 deaths have been reported till 11:00 am of March 20, 2020.

This was revealed by the Johns Hopkins University, which is tracking cases reported by the World Health Organization and additional sources.

In India, the number of positive cases rose to 171, while the death of another person was reported taking India's total coronavirus-related death to four.

Meanwhile, Italy surpassed China for the most number of deaths related to coronavirus.

The number of deaths in Italy reached 3,405 on Thursday, the Italian Civil Protection Agency said.

This is 156 more than China's toll, which, according to Johns Hopkins University, stands at 3,249.

The total number of cases in Italy rose to 41,035 with 5,322 new cases.

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