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Low-cost ventilator
Indian-American couple who developed a low-cost ventilator. Courtesy: Facebook

Indian-American Couple Develops Low-Cost Ventilator

Devesh and Kumuda Ranjan- an Indian-American couple has been hogging the limelight recently for developing a low-cost ventilator.

As per reports, this low-cost ventilator will soon to hit the production stage as well.

The ventilator will be available in India and other developing countries for helping the doctors there for dealing with COVID-19 patients.

Professor Devesh Ranjan is Associate Chair in the prestigious Georgia Tech's George W Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering.

His wife Kumuda Ranjan is a practising family physician in Atlanta.

The duo has developed this low-cost portable ventilator from concept to prototype in just around a three weeks time.

Speaking to a popular news agency Professor Ranjan said that the ventilator can be produced at a cost of less than $ 100

"This is a not an ICU ventilator," Professor Ranjan said adding that an ICU ventilator costs more and is much more sophisticated.

The ventilator developed by the Ranjan couple is Open-AirVentGT ventilator and this has been developed to address acute respiratory distress syndrome- which is a common complication for COVID-19 patients.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome causes a patient's lungs to stiffen and this requires the patient's breathing to be assisted by ventilators.

He further informed that the ventilator uses electronic sensors and computer control to manage key clinical parameters.

"These clinical parameters are respiration rate, tidal volume (the amount of air moved into and out of the lungs during each cycle), inspiration and expiration ratio, and pressure on the lungs," he added.

They further said that the sole aim behind the project is to make a low-cost ventilator through which the aforementioned parameters could be controlled by a physician.

"Given the massive spread of COVID-19 across the globe, there is going to be a global shortage of ventilators across the world," they said.

The couple is of the belief that India has the potential to become global manufacturing of low-cost ventilators and export across the world.

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