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Shutter And The Focus: A OnePlus Journey

OnePlus photography

A journey to begin, a destination to rest

OnePlus photography

The road keeps calling, the journey keeps rolling

OnePlus photography

How I wonder how high you are

OnePlus photography

It starts and ends in a fog

OnePlus photography

The road not taken

OnePlus photography

The view of an eagle

OnePlus photography

Blurry at a distance

OnePlus photography

Yes your highness

OnePlus photography

The pot and the fire

OnePlus photography

Bloomed and blossomed

A platter full of happiness

This is the right choice, aha!

Docked and locked

The slight glimmer of happiness

For that eternal journey

Shutter And The Focus: A OnePlus Journey is a photo essay by Nilanjan Goswami, who believes photography is all about seeing and not gears.

Working as a Junior Engineering Assistant (JEA) at Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) in Guwahati, Nilanjan is an avid food enthusiast and a traveller as well.

"I am happy with the photography quality of my OnePlus phone," he said while speaking to The Story Mug.

"Advanced gears, now doubt are an assets and provides that extra cushion in photography, however, I strongly believe that photography is that what we see and to capture our vision we need the right attitude and outlook, which can then compensate for our lack of gears," he further adds.

"I always this  desire of capturing some intriguing photographs and to do so I almost bought a DSLR," he added.

"But at the same time my mobile handset also crashed and I was left with only one option- either a DSLR or a phone and I went for the second option and bought this OnePlus phone, which has quenched my thirst of capturing roving photographs," he quickly added.

Developed By Lumenoid Studios
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