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Diabetes, High Blood Pressure: The Silent Assassins

February 20, 2020

Diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension), in the present time, account for most deaths world over.

Hypertension leads to several complications of diabetes-like diabetic eye disease and kidney disease.

A person with diabetes will eventually have high blood pressure, along with other heart and circulation problems.

WebMD in an article writes, "Diabetes damages arteries and makes them targets for hardening, called atherosclerosis."

"That can cause high blood pressure, which if not treated, can lead to trouble including blood vessel damage, heart attack, and kidney failure," the article adds

Researches have found that people with hypertension often have- coronary artery disease or heart disease, strokes, peripheral vascular disease, hardening of the arteries in the legs and feet, and heart failure.

Various studies have further found out that a person with high blood pressure has three times greater chance of getting heart disease over 10 years.

It is advisable to maintain a blood pressure level of 120/80.

However, for a person with diabetes the readings should not exceed 130/80.

The important factor here is that the diastolic blood pressure reading should never exceed 80.

Studies have revealed that controlling blood pressure is extremely important if one needs to prevent or control diabetes.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure, in general, shows no visible symptoms.

A person with a high blood pressure may at times feel dizziness, difficulty in breathing and even choked at times.

If such symptoms arise, then it is the time to visit your doctor and have a thorough check-up.

Diabetes and blood pressure go hand-in-hand and one leads to the another.

If you want to be not troubled by diabetes and blood pressure, then it is advisable to- control your blood sugar, quit smoking, eat healthily, exercise regularly, keep your weight in a healthy range, stop drinking alcohol, lower sugar and salt intake, and visit your doctor regularly.

Stay healthy and live long!

(NB: The above article is just an informative piece of work and does not try to be correct medically.)

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