Have you ever thought if a particular date has any historical significance? February 11, like many other days, is special for some and ordinary for many. However, the date has special importance in history.
So let's have a look at a few of the events (in no particular order) that made February 11 a historically important date.
On February 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela- the anti-apartheid campaigner was released after 27 years as a political prisoner. This was a high point in South Africa's transition from apartheid to democracy.
On this day in 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran. This came a few days after Khomeini's triumphant return from French exile.
On this day in 1975, Margaret Thatcher became the first female leader of the British Conservative Party. Thatcher won the general elections in 1979 and became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
On this day in 1963, English rock band The Beatles recorded their first album Please Please Me at Abbey Road Studios. The album was released on March 22, paving the way for the phenomenon known as Beatlemania.
On this day in 1858, Bernadette Soubirous sees a vision of the Virgin Mary near Lourdes. The small town in southern France became one of the most important Christian places of pilgrimage.
On this day in 1968, noted Indian sociologist, political activist, and philosopher Deendayal Upadhaya died. His death still remains an unanswered mystery.
Since 2016, February 11 is celebrated as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The day was chosen by resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on December 22, 2015. The day recognizes the critical role women and girls play in science and technology.
On this day in 2012, American rhythm-and-blues singer Whitney Houston-who emerged as a pop superstar in the 1980s, especially known for her soaring voice-died. She was 48.
On February 11, 2011, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down after nearly 30 years in power. His resignation came after mass demonstrations that were part of the pro-democracy uprisings known as the Arab Spring.
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