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Childhood And The High Spirits


Building castles of dreams

The world is a swimming pool


Selecting and pulling the best

Fishing the odd one out

Boating towards the goals

Catching the unmatched


Leap of happiness

Childhood And The High Spirits is the second photo essay in the childhood series by ace Indian photographer Luit Chaliha.

Chaliha, through his lens, has captured a wide variety of topics and subjects over the years.

Most of these photographs were captured a decade ago and have featured in several national and international newspapers and news photo agencies.

Luit Chaliha is based in Sivasagar and his photographs always try to capture the common aspects of our day-to-day life.

MORE FROM LUIT CHALIHA | Through The Lens Of Luit Chaliha

Majuli: Myriad Shades In Few Frames

Childhood And The High Spirits is his fourth contribution to The Story Mug from Luit Chaliha.

He can be reached on Facebook and Instagram and also at Twitter.

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