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Career can be vibrant if you are vibrant
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Attributes For Vibrant Career

January 20, 2022

There are many inspiring quotes by former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Whenever I conduct a career awareness programme I usually tell students about some of his quotes to inspire them as well as others.

"Dream is not what you see in sleep, dream is something that does not let you sleep", this quote makes clear the importance of dreams in our life. After publishing career articles, I have been receiving calls from our readers. To my surprise, I could see that many are still confused about their career and their future. Some have completed their graduation and post-graduation but are still not happy as they are searching for jobs.

Mere educational qualifications may not give you the guarantee of getting employed. Students have to focus on other employability skills to get employment in the future. We can read the quotes by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and get inspired. His quotes and lectures have inspired millions, and we need to follow his teachings to bring a positive change through our careers.

There are many attributes, apart from dreams, which are required for a vibrant career, but we shall discuss some here. I am sharing this from my experiences of interaction with many students from different parts of the state. Some of the attributes are educational qualification, hard work, passion, reading and writing, travelling, communication skills, life skills, attitude, languages, critical and creative thinking, technological skills, etc. We have discussed some of this in previous issues.

Students must remember that getting a job in the government sector does not mean having a successful career. Most of our parents or guardians feel that getting a job in the government means success in life. Lack of planning and lack of information limits our dreams, for which many are confused and frustrated as they do not get their dream job.

Educational Qualification: Educational qualification is important for any career. But some people have become successful in life with fewer educational qualifications. It depends upon the career path. A sportsperson may not be good at academics; similarly, an actor, singer, or chef may not be good at academics. But if someone aspires to be in the teaching profession, they must maintain good academic records.

Importance of Passion: Passion is something we do because we are interested in it. All of us have some hobbies, and we like to do them. Similarly, we must try to follow our passion to be successful in life. Instead of following their passion, many are trying to follow jobs where there is money. Success does not come overnight, and hence, everyone needs to have perseverance and patience. Following passion is rare amongst many students and young people, which might make them frustrated and there would be less quality work. There must be strategic planning or effective career planning to become successful through passion. People who have followed their passion are always successful and happy in their lives.

Reading and writing are important skills to have for a successful career. The more we read, the better it is for us. We may make a habit of reading different books, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. Similarly, if we can become good at writing, then it gives us extra mileage in the case of getting employment. Students may start writing in newspapers or magazines as there are options for college students on the campus page or student’s page. Reading and writing increase knowledge, which helps students stay one step ahead of their peers. Students may mention their published articles or other stuff in their CV or resume.

Language: One of the important attributes for a vibrant career is knowledge of different languages. We are always comfortable with our mother

Technological Skills: Knowledge of technology like using the internet or using other digital devices is important. Many students use the internet for social networking sites like Facebook, but it may not help with career growth. Social media can be a tool when used properly, but just the mere use of Facebook without learning is like wastage of time. The Internet can be used as a digital library, but very few students are seen using it as a library. Many journals and magazines can be read online. Preparing CVs and resumes and updating them on job sites can be done through the internet. We don’t see any ready-made CVs or resumes with current students. CVs or resumes are important because students can take advantage of numerous opportunities that will help them advance in their careers. There are free online courses that are helpful for our students.

There are many other attributes apart from the above-mentioned attributes. Anyone with a passion, a positive attitude, and other attributes should be successful in life.

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