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Sandwich And Some Pages Down The Memory Lane

January 3, 2020

"Grab a sandwich when you are really hungry," is what my friend who owns a small eating joint of his own often tells me.

I love my own customised and home-made sandwiches and when I tell him my recipe, he just pulls back his nose in amusement.

"You call that a sandwich? Seriously?" he asks me when he learns I simply have some slices of onion, cucumber, and tomato (rarely) in between two slices of bread for a sandwich.

"You can and you should add much more to it and make it tastier and attractive," he adds.

And he is obviously right when he says try it differently...

I have tried and tasted sandwiches at several places across the country and I am simply amazed to taste such wide varieties of sandwiches.

In Guwahati, my hometown, there are some roadside eating joints which are popular only for their sandwiches.

From veg to non-veg, one can find sandwiches of various typed in these joints.

"This little dish help to quell hunger in quick time. Since as a journalist you often need to travel around, pack some sandwiches along," advises my elder brother.

"Instead of having oily restaurant food, home-made sandwiches are far better," he adds on further.

Experts say that the first-ever sandwich was created by John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich when he ordered his house cook to bring him something he could eat without getting up from his seat.

He loved it so much that he started to have it on a regular basis and thus sandwich was born.

Take this for a fact- to commemorate the birth of the world's first sandwich-maker, November 3 is now celebrated as World Sandwich Day.

"Initially perceived as a food item that people shared while gaming and drinking at night, it slowly began appearing in polite societies as a late-night meal amongst the aristocracy," I read somewhere while going through about its history.

"In later years, sandwich culture was picked up by almost every café outlet, retail supermarkets or bakeries and in-flight service, offering ready-to-eat sandwiches," the history further revealed.

Cashing in its popularity, in 1965 then 17-year-old Frederick James Matthew DeLuca began a QSR chain that provided a combination of flavours and nutrition through a variety of sandwiches.

Any guesses how is that chain known to the world today?

Well, it's everyone's favourite sandwich place- Subway!

When we speak about sandwiches then Subway has to be mentioned as they revolutionised the concept of sandwich and they have immensely contributed in making the sandwich a house-hold name.

The food joint comes up with special offers on festive occasions and I must tell you, do try their sandwiches- it's amazing!

Sandwiches are healthy and tasty and they are a great hunger-buster.

Make your own sandwich and share the recipe with the world.

After all, sharing means caring!

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