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The Benefits Of Lemon For Health

Lemon is a round, vibrant fruit from the flowering plant family Rutaceae. Its scientific name is Citrus limon, and it’s native to North-Eastern India

July 22, 2022

Lemon is a round, vibrant fruit from the flowering plant family Rutaceae. Its scientific name is Citrus limon, and it’s native to North-Eastern India.

This bright yellow citrus fruit possesses a distinctive sour taste due to its richness in citric acid. It can be used in cooking and cleaning.

Lemons are a popular and essential fruit in our daily life. Lemons are an excellent source of Vitamin C, Dietary fibre, Citric acid, and Iron.

The vitamins can reduce the risks of disease and stimulate immunity. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient and an antioxidant. One 58-gram lemon can provide over 30 milligrams Source of vitamin C and another, dietary fibre helps with digestion.

Cancer Prevention: Cancer is a damming disease that pushes people towards death. It is very difficult to recover from it. Lemons have antioxidant Vitamin C which may help prevent cell damage that can lead to cancer. People can take advantage of this by drinking lemon water.

Blood Pressure: Most of the research says that lemon can reduce blood pressure. People can reduce lower blood pressure by walking daily.

Weight Loss: The pectin fibre found in lemons, is an effective tool for weight loss.

Lowering Stroke Risk: Lemons have citric acid to reduce stroke risk. A study of data from nearly 70,000 women over 14 years showed that those who ate the most citrus fruit had a lower risk of ischemic stroke.

Preventing Asthma: Vitamin C helps people get less asthma. It also benefited people with bronchial hypersensitivity when they also had a common cold.

Anaemia Prevention: Iron deficiency causes anaemia. While lemon doesn’t contain extremely high iron levels, it helps prevent anaemia.

Kidney Stone Prevention: As lemons have an intensely sour taste, people use them in small quantities to add to food. This sourness is created from citric acid which may help prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Digestive Health: Lemon contains high amounts of dietary fibre. Fibre, especially soluble fiber, can help reduce constipation and a variety of other gastrointestinal issues and discomfort.

Also, Lemon gives flavour to baked goods, sauces, salad, and also juice. It is a flavorful and healthy fruit.

From the above discussion, we can say how much we should eat lemon and it is effective for our health! So, at least once a day everyone should eat lemons.

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