Today, the sun is like a burst of citrine
A blinding ball of splendour
My captive heart remains defiant still
I wear my soul like a sabre
Chains around our ankles
The whip has found its rhythm
A man in a robe exhorts
But all I hear is what my father whispers
The wisdom of the white oak
How it survives when all is lost
Scorn dripping down its branches
It stands without fear
Songbirds trill biting arias outside the empty walls
But my hardened heels desire spiky grass
I want to hear it sprout, rebellious, serrated
Cool turf beneath
The earth’s magnetic pull makes me take another step
While I tread on the sharp edges of the world
My errant feet cut, split, torn down
This is a journey into the nameless
I follow somnolent, each syllable like a spell
Offering myself at an altar, a cutlass dancing around my throat
I should scream in terror
Instead, I sigh in delight
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Jahnavi Gogoi is a writer of children’s fiction and an emerging poet from the northeast who is now based in Canada. She hopes to refer to herself one day as a global citizen. She is also a freelance writer who has contributed to various publications. Her latest offering is a collection of poems ‘Things I told myself’ presented by Griffin publication and available worldwide on amazon. Her Twitter handle is jahnavigogoi2 and you can follow her on Instagram on add_a_dash_of_words for her soulful verse.