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Assam Cyclist paddles 1100 km

Assam Cyclist Pedals 1100 Km Raising Awareness On Pollution-Free India

August 7, 2024

In a remarkable initiative to raise awareness about a pollution-free India, an Assam cyclist has embarked on an epic 1100-kilometre cycling journey, capturing the imagination of many.

Himangshu Sarma, a 26-year-old from Titka village in Pathsala town in Bajali district, set off on this mission on July 21, 2024.

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His route took him through the scenic landscapes of West Bengal and Bihar, culminating on July 26 at the revered Baba Baidyanath Dham temple in Jharkhand.

This timing was no coincidence; Sarma's journey coincided with the holy month of Shravan, when millions of devotees flocked to the temple. Amidst this sea of spiritual fervour, Sarma's mission stood out—a lone cyclist advocating for cleaner air and sustainable transportation.

"Traffic congestion is a major contributor to air pollution, which has severe consequences for our health and well-being," Sarma emphasised.

"People are overly reliant on bikes and cars, but we need to curtail this habit for our own good. Cycling is not only a great way to reduce pollution but also beneficial for personal health," he added.

Sarma's gruelling journey and his unwavering message have resonated with many, urging them to consider eco-friendly modes of transport and contribute to a cleaner environment.

As the young Assam cyclist completed his challenging ride, Sarma's dedication to raising awareness about this critical issue earned him widespread praise and admiration.

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