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Brunkeberg Tunnel, Stockhom, Sweden
Brunkeberg Tunnel, Stockhom, Sweden. Courtesy: Peter Ivey-Hansen. for Unsplash

Sweden Tackles COVID-19 The Unconventional Way

May 31, 2020

At a time when countries across the world are locked down in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, Sweden, however, is open!

Yes, you read it right!

Even as the world decided to go on a lockdown mode to prevent the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, people in Sweden were allowed to roam freely.

In fact, the businesses in this Scandinavian nation functioned normally.

Even though initially people queued up to buy groceries and other stuff, however, gradually things turned back to "normal".

The decision of the Swedish government to keep the nation opened shocked many- especially when there was complete lockdown in neighbouring Denmark.

In fact, the 21-kilometre-long Öresund Bridge connecting Sweden’s Malmö city to the Danish capital Copenhagen was shut as well.

What Did Sweden Do It?

The contrasting decision of Sweden raised several eyebrows and questions were asked as to how did it manage to combat COVID-19 by keeping itself open?

The answer to this is simple- the people of the country has immense trust in its government and vice versa.

If the health department says that a certain group of people should not come out of the house as they possess a threat to others, the group just won't step out.

This trust in the government and the government's trust in its people is an example for the world to follow and look up to.

People in Sweden, ever since the pandemic spread, have been living a normal life and have kept themselves engaged in the day-to-day activities.

People went out for walks, to buy groceries, and have also gathered socially in parks and other recreational places.

And when someone felt that he/she might be infected, they visited the nearest healthcare centre and got themselves tested.

The success and deterioration of our health lie on our own hands and the disciplined nature of the people of Sweden during this worst of pandemics has exhibited just that.

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