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Unmaad: A Must Watch Assamese Psychological Thriller

May 5, 2021

If you enjoy watching psychological dramas and series and are a fan of the genre, then the new Assamese psychological mini series Unmaad is the one for you.

The first episode of Unmaad is now streaming on the YouTube channel of Niyyor Production and so far it has been able to garner just over 900 views- which definitely is way less.

The first episode of this minis series is titled Chapter 0- Questions and it does leave the viewers with not just one but many questions.

The film stars Jureen Mahanta and Phillips Neog and is written and directed by Bedanga Rag Kakati, while Pranjal Das has handled the camera for the film.

Pranjal Das and Bedanga Rag Kakti has edited the film.

So what is Unmaad all about?

The 2:46 minute film does not provide us with any idea as to about this film is all about as the twisted end with the To Be Continued... tab leaves the audience with a lot of questions.

The film shows three characters- Phillips Neog in dual roles along with the extremely talented Jureen Mahanta in the female lead.

The film begins with a masked man trying to strangle a girl to death in some undisclosed location. A couple of feet away from the place, there is another man who is enjoying his cigarette.

As the girl tries to break free and calls for help, the man who was smoking hears the call and Irish towards the direction of the sound only to realise that the girl was dead and the man who had strangled her was his look-alike.

As soon as he sees the face of the killer, he is startled and he hurriedly leaves the place and the first episode ends there.

Well, nothing is clear if it was a real-life situation or a dream sequence and exactly what the makers are trying to portray.

I have a number of theories cooking in my mind and I strongly feel through the movie the makers are trying to show our constant fights that we have with the person that exists within us.

And I leave my wild imaginations just end there as overthinking will kill the excitement that I have for its second part.

I am eagerly waiting for it.

Unmaad is a well-made film and the use of sound and silence has been exceptional.

Jureen has come up with a brilliant performance and the scene when she finally succumbs to death is a well-shot scene and she deserves a big round of applause.

The performance of the male protagonist is also praiseworthy. It is never easy to play two characters with contrasting characteristics and when one has to express everything only through eyes sans dialogues, it is even tougher. Even seasoned actors fail at delivering the knock-out punch, but Phillips Neog did with ease.

I hope Unmaad will pave a way for many such ventures in Assam as we need good thrillers and psychological dramas.

We have the resources and we have the potential.

During this difficult time and lockdown phase, Unmaad will certainly be a stress-buster and refreshing for many.

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