Vidya: The Living School
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Vidya: The Living School- Where Dreams Find Wings And Visionaries Are Born

July 5, 2023

In a world fuelled by competition and dreams, there are two distinct groups: the Dreamers and the Visionaries.

The Dreamers harbour hope for a future that promises happiness and fulfilment, but they often lack the vision to transform their dreams into reality.

Enter the Visionaries, those who dare to defy convention and embrace an unconventional approach to life. These individuals exhibit a unique perspective, gradually influencing the world around them.

Pranjal Buragohain, an Assistant Professor at Dibrugarh University, is a far-sighted visionary whose teachings aim to instil positivity and happiness in his students.

For Pranjal, life is not solely a battleground of competition that robs us of our smiles. He believes in equipping students with skills that bring peace and joy.

With such an aim in sight, he established a unique school, Vidya: The Living School. The school emerges as a vital and inspiring institution for the future generation of Assam.

Founded in Subahi, in the Dhemaji district of Assam, in 2020, this unique establishment adopts unconventional teaching methods, infusing novelty into every aspect of the curriculum.

One of the primary reasons that led to the establishment of this unique school was Pranjal Buragohain's dissatisfaction with the existing education system. This dissatisfaction led him to envision a new form of education with three dimensions.

The first dimension encompasses traditional subjects like Science, Mathematics, and language, but with an additional focus on structured skill development and attitude formation.

The second dimension, "well-being skills," introduces students to human values and emotions such as gratitude, love, joy, serenity, perseverance, and resilience, all taught scientifically. This holistic approach emphasises the importance of positive health and encourages positive engagement, thoughts, and environments.

Vidya: The Living School

The third dimension, "livelihood skills," requires every student to learn at least one skill to secure their future livelihood.

Buragohain and his team have devised a "self-sufficiency model" to sustain the institution's revenue stream. They have established gardens with fruit trees, silk farms, and vegetable gardens to supplement their income. Additionally, Vidya produces its own uniforms, bags, books, and notebooks, ensuring self-sufficiency in essential supplies.

Vidya: The Living School can be best described as a research institute where students are not confined within the four walls of a traditional school room. Instead, they engage in lessons that nurture skills crucial for a sustainable livelihood, breaking free from the confines of the traditional educational system.

Pranjal Buragohain has dedicated his life to supporting children who have struggled with education and have been deprived of proper care and affection.

He believes that each child is special and possesses unique learning capabilities that the traditional educational system often disregards. Thus, the journey of Vidya: The Living School began earnestly, aiming to provide quality education, foster talented human resources, and instil life skills necessary for different professions.

Love, gratitude, and happiness serve as guiding principles within the institution, enabling students to integrate these values into their daily lives.

The school caters to different categories of students. The first category comprises orphans and children from dysfunctional and extremely poor families, whose upliftment is Vidya's top priority.

The second category consists of school dropouts or those who have never had the opportunity to attend school.

The third category, the "open" category, welcomes anyone wanting to join the institute. However, the majority of students in this institution come from dysfunctional families, making Vidya's free education a source of hope for their families.

The teaching staff at Vidya also follows a diverse categorisation.

Permanent teachers handle subjects like Mathematics and Science.

The second category includes passionate volunteers who generously share their knowledge without expecting monetary compensation. Skilled individuals from local communities form the third category, utilising their expertise to educate eager learners.

Assam, a land brimming with natural beauty, remains largely unexplored. Pranjal Buragohain's vision extends to promoting tourism in the state, positioning Vidya: The Living School, as a unique tourist attraction.

With the necessary infrastructure already in place, the beautiful land of Subahi, nestled between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, offers visitors village tourism, eco-tourism, fishing, and trekking opportunities. It invites tourists to discover the place's beauty and this great institute's unconventional wonders.

Vidya Guest House

Pranjal and Vidya: The Living School are inspirations and role models, teaching students the art of leading a truly happy life, which has become paramount in today's world.

As their unconventional approach gains recognition, they pave the way for a future where dreams and visions intertwine, creating a society filled with fulfilled Dreamers and visionary leaders.

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