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Nagaland youth O Jungio with his newly built automatic hand wash dispenser
Nagaland youth O Jungio with his newly built automatic hand wash dispenser. Courtesy: The Morung Express

Nagaland Youth's COVID-19 Lockdown Innovation Winning Hearts

July 24, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire world in the worst possible way, bringing almost everything in life to a grinding halt.

People have been forced to stay indoors and doing practically nothing the most of the time.

But even then, there have been a few individuals who have broken the shackles of lockdown blues and used this time to bring out their innovative best.

Meet O Jungio from Nagaland, a graduate from National Institute of Engineering (NIE), Mysore, has used this lockdown in an innovative way.

The young engineering graduate from Nagaland has built an automatic hand wash dispenser in two and half days, mostly using salvaged electronic items inclusive of an old coffee bottle.

"The only item I bought for the simple and quick project was an electronic sensor," reports The Morung Express quoting Jungio.

"The current situation demands from each of us to contribute and help out in whatever small way possible to the best of our capacity and capability," further writes The Morung Express quoting the young innovator.

"This is perhaps, in my own small way, my humble contribution," Jungio further said during his conversation with The Morung Express.

The young innovator is a happy soul and he is glad that several youths from Nagaland have stood up at this crisis hour and have shown their exemplary innovative skills and extended a helping hand towards the medical fraternity.

Jungio credits much of his learning of open-source electronics to the numerous video tutorials he watched on YouTube.

He might have had to skip a few lectures for doing so, but he says he has no regrets about it and feels that teaching self was one of the best things he had done.

Speaking about the dispenser, Jungio said that he had initially built it as a prototype for personal use.

"With requests pouring in from friends and relatives, I may develop more in the days to come," said the innovator.

Not just youth from Nagaland, but there are numerous youths from other states of the northeast who have plunged into the world of innovation as the pandemic continue to strangle the world with its strong arms.

We hope, this trend of innovation would continue even after the effects of the pandemic is well over.

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