Amur falcons
Amur falcon

Measures Initiated To Give Peace To Amur Falcons

September 19, 2022

To create a 'disturbance-free' atmosphere and to ensure peace for Amur Falcons in October, the Amur Falcon Roosting Area Union (AFRAU), Pangti, Nagaland, has decided to restrict all visitors.

AFRAU's general meeting on September 18, 2022, focused among other topics on the observed pattern of Amur Falcons avoiding their "actual Roosting place in Pangti Village during the last migration season".

"The decision was taken because of human habitation and disturbance during their first phase of the arrival of the winged visitors to the village," stated a press release quoting AFRAU Pangti president P Thungchumo Shidio.

"In this connection, to give peace to the Falcons, the AFRAU resolved not to allow visitors to pass Raphapen Junction from October 1-31," reported The Morung Express.

AFRAU also called on tourists and visitors to comply with the restrictions.

ALSO READ | Manipur Pledges To Protect Amur Falcon

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