Myanmarese Children In Mizoram
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Over 6,000 Myanmarese Children Studying In Mizoram Schools

September 30, 2022

Over 6, 000 Myanmarese children are enrolled in several schools across Mizoram. These children belong to the Myanmarese families taking refuge in the state.

The state school education department director Dr H Lalthlangliana informed this.

"Majority of the children are studying in government schools. Several are also enrolled in private schools," reported Northeast Now quoting Lalthlangliana.

"The exact figure of the Myanmarese children enrolled in Mizoram schools is difficult to say as it keeps changing regularly," the report added.

Local teachers are providing quality education to these children, further said the minister.

"The government isn't discriminating between the local and the Myanmarese children," the minister informed.

These children, however, the minister said, are being provided with textbooks and uniforms as per convenience.

"Unlike local children, free textbooks, uniforms, and education-related items are not provided to these refugee children," the minister added.

We may mention here that these children generally don't face a language barrier, as most of these children belong to the Chin community, who share ethnic ties with the Mizos and they can also speak in the Mizo language.

Thousands of Myanmarese families have fled Myanmar and crossed over to Mizoram, seeking refuge after a coup d'état in Myanmar began on February 1, 2021.

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