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World Laughter Day
Representational image for World Laughter Day. Image: Nathan Anderson for Unsplash

World Laughter Day: Importance And History

May 3, 2020

World Laughter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of to raise awareness about laughter and its many healing benefits.

The day on 2020 is observed on May 3 across the world.

Studies have revealed that laughter increases the blood flow, protects one against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

Laughter also relieves a person from daily stress and physical tensions.

Laughter therapy is one the cheapest and the most pleasant form of therapy in the world.

"Laughter not only heals the soul but also relaxes our entire body," a recent study on laughter therapy said.

"It boosts our immune and it also works as an antidote for pain, stress, and conflict," the study added.

Keeping in mind the immense benefits of laughter, the global celebrations of World Laughter Day began on May 10, 1998 in Mumbai.

Dr Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga Movement, arranged for the first World Laughter Day celebrations.

"Laughter is a big stress reliever," says Bimal Pathak, a Guwahati-based resident and part of a city-based laughter club.

"In these pressing situations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, laughter has helped many of us to keep our stress balance," he added.

"To keep ourselves stress free, we have organised webinars on laughter therapy in the past two months," he added.

"Initially, only the club members used to take part, but now the number of members have increased," he added.

"We intended to organise a laughter seminar on this World Laughter Day, but the pandemic forced us to change our decision," he added.

There are plenty of laughter clubs across Assam and India that regularly practice simple international laughter techniques that promote wellness and overall well-being.

World Laughter Day 2020: Inspirational Quotes

Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution-these can lift at a colossal humbug-push it a little-weaken it a little, century by century, but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand- Mark Twain

When you awaken love and laughter in your life, your mind lets go of fear and anxiety, and your happy spirit becomes the healing balm that transforms every aspect of your human experience- Jesse Dylan

Laughter is a way of really letting out all this pressure that you could face in your daily life in the suffering of your people, and comedy is almost like a medicine to your soul in a way- Hiam Abbass

Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Don't, and the world laughs at you- Fakeer Ishavardas

A day without laughter is a day wasted- Charlie Chaplin

A person who laughs lives happier and longer and in most cases are also more successful than his contemporaries- well that's what studies say.

"Laughter may not provide us with the perfect solution to a problem, but it certainly prepares our mind to find one. So, keep laughing!" added Pathak.

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